We have created the best pintail sock on the market. The S3i PINTAILS feature a shortened backbone with an increased tail loop diameter. Each dozen includes 6 drakes & 6 hens featuring 4 feeder drakes, 2 upright drakes, 4 feeder hens, & 2 upright hens. UNREAL paint scheme and the easiest to use stake system out there. Each decoy is headed with true to life images printed on both sides of high GSM corrugated plastic. Snap-lock stake/backbone with overmolded nylon provides bullet proof performance in the field. No E-clips or O-rings to be lost here. 100% assembled and ready for use out of the box. Tyvek bodies with painted pintail feather details means no late nights shaking the paint can. Engineered from the ground up to offer effectiveness and functionality day in, day out. With a spring steel stake we are able to penetrate even the hardest ground with ease. Stakes are 24 inches long from the top of the handle to tip. Our stake diameter is less than half the size of most decoys on the market. No more fallen decoys and searching for cracks in the field. ANYONE can press these into the hardest of ground. For removal, we have an overmolded, contoured handle integrated into the body post. The body post is accompanied with a painted stainless steel screw to fasten the body to the post. Decoys have a natural feeding bob and will swivel with the wind. Each pintail body is hand sewn from Tyvek material. The bodies are 16 inches long with reinforcing grommets where fastened to body post. Grommets are powder coated black and fastened to reinforcing plastic to ensure years of use in the toughest of conditions. Each bag is printed with full color feather details. Paint is UV resistant and matte to eliminate possible glare. 6 strategically placed drain holes are punched in the bottom panel of each body to eliminate water sag. These are by far the most user friendly, and client friendly, pintail sock decoys on the market.
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